Work and Travel


Every Year I look forward to seeing the new styles that would erupt onto the fashion scene. If you are reading this article then you too must be curious to see the latest fashion styles in Nigeria 2018-2019. Before I spill the tea, I must say that even though this year was like a roller coaster ride, the trends did not disappoint. Keeping up was so hard but I am always down for a challenge. Whether you are a fashion geek or just looking for some inspiration, this article is for you. In this article, I have gathered the best of the latest Nigerian fashion styles, to see more continue reading.

As Africans, we are most times easily identifiable, especially when we are dressed in our native wear. Today, despite the change in trends and society, we boast proudly that we are still able to preserve our culture as the world evolves. Our culture defines who we are and we are always proud to represent our nation, in whatever situation.

In our fashion industry, we have a multitude of beautiful African print styles. These range from our Ankara styles, lace styles, and Aso Ebi, just to name a few. Such styles and fabrics are used to create gorgeous jaw-dropping gowns.


Lace is one of the longest lasting fabric in the game. It never goes out of style, somehow it is always incorporated into the latest fashion trends. Below are a few photos of lace being used in Nigeria latest fashion.

Ankara can be worn for any occasion. In this photo, the Ankara adds style and is the highlight of the entire dress. Such a dress can be worn to a dinner, party or even a wedding, just to name a few!


The run way has been a high way to stardom in the world of fashion and entertainment.

The 10th edition of the African Fashion Week, London (AFWL) has been scheduled to start from Friday, 9th August to Saturday, 10th August, 2020, at the Freemasons' Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London. It is a two-day fashion event that usually takes place in August.

It is an annual event that focuses on displaying and celebrating emerging and established African designers.

Since it commence in 2011, Africa fashion week has anchored seven catwalks and has contributed expertise to over 12 events produced by 3rd parties like the Mayor London's Black Month celebrations and the annual Africa Centre Summer Festival.

Since it commence in 2011, Africa fashion week has anchored seven catwalks and has contributed expertise to over 12 events produced by 3rd parties like the Mayor London's Black Month celebrations and the annual Africa Centre Summer Festival.

The event will feature catwalk shows, presentation, exhibitions, business development program and other related from top fashion designers, model casting, hair styling and makeup shows, and more.

The event is aimed at promoting existing and emerging designers in Nigeria and Africa, helping them to improve and build a sustainable living for themselves, supporting education, creating jobs and skills training through fashion.

African Fashion Week- London was founded by Ronke Ademiluyi in the year 2011. It is known to the Europe's biggest fashion event that focuses on nurturing and promoting African and African inspired design talent.

The annual event is geared towards creating a platform for tourist attractions, helping the country understand the potentials of its fashion industry and grooming discovered fashion talents.

When & Location

UK, London
09/08/2020 12:00 AM to 10/08/2020 12:00 AM


Event Organiser:
Africa Fashion Week Nigeria
Freemasons' Hall, 60 Great Queen Street
0708 880 0866, 0808 991 5450


Book Reviews have never been more interesting. Literary critisicm has become part of every thing written in black and white. Times were before when books were written and kept in sacred places but things are no longer the way it used to be. You wrote and you invest time in selling and you must be body and mind ready to absorb like a sponge the everyday criticism that will come from readers: your fans and non enthusiasts too.





Always seeking advice from the wrong people.

You owe him.

Takes everything given even the flimsiest.

Denies you things that makes you happy or better.

Embarrasses you.

Made you a laughing stock.

Dangerously poisonous.
Complains of boredom.

He knows everything.

You are wrong.

That never happened.

Fools most people.

Promises the world but mocks you.

You doubt yourself.

He grooms you.

Relationships are transactions.

You’re too sensitive.

He was joking.

He means it.

Undermines your efforts.

Finds faults everywhere.

Illness devalues you.

Always avoids accountability.

Plays the victim.

Throws adult tantrums.

Projects own actions.

Money matters most.


Will sabotage you.

Predictable coward, really,

gives in easily to new flame.

He's most important.

You don't matter.

Cons new supply with the whole ex bullshit.

Supply desperate.

Supply feels entitled and tell unnecessary lies.

Intends to destroy.

Tell lies about ex.

Wishes he kept some evidence.

Fears losing control.

Fears looking weak.

Denies the truth.

Enjoys your pain.

Likes appearing generous to others.

Blinded by arrogance.

Has no depth.

Hates making mistakes.

Finds indifference intolerable.

Likes creating chaos.

Strangers' best friend.

Go-to guy.

Loved by all,

the one people calls the most when they've problem.

Never his fault.

Commitment doesn't matter.

Marriage doesn't matter.

He's always pretending.

Expects the world.

Anticipate his needs.

Read his mind.

No conflict resolution.

Repeating circular arguments.

Wants you angry.

Looks for enablers.

Has fan club.

Hurts you purposefully.

Addicted to sex.

It’s an act.

Terrible gift-giver.

Talks to self,

aloud but unaware,

Rehearsing his words.

It’s really weird.

Preys on compassion.

Monsters in skin.

No real identity.



A brick wall.

Delusions of grandeur.

Jealous of you.

Over the top.




Totally screwed up.


You're mine/you're nothing.

Ignore Ignore Ignore.

Low hanging fruit.

Monogamy cumbersome.

Who? Me? Never!

Problem? What problem?

It's never enough.

Wear you out.


One day you will blink and the beauty you once saw will now be a wasteland. Ruin and debris everywhere. You will see glimpses of what was once there but never the fullness of it. You will feel hated, you will feel used, you will feel ugly, you will feel as if everything you had nightmares about now exist. You will feel like your soul has been snatched from you. You will feel until You Don’t.

This is my best description of a narc.

Illustration Credit: Shutterstock

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